5 Ways to Get Fit While Sitting At Your Desk

The New Year is just around the corner and for many of us ‘getting fit’ will be the New Year’s resolution at the top of our list. I’m sure many of us will try joining the gym or schedule in that run in the morning, but eventually many of us realise we are just far too busy to commit our time to working out.

The majority of us spend a lot of time sitting at the same desk every day while in work and what we don’t realise is we could be getting fit simply whilst sitting at our desk. Yes that’s right, staying fit at your desk is actually possible!

While these deskercises won’t promise six-pack abs or Olympic mile times, they will help improve your strength and burn off a few additional calories. So whether its emails or PowerPoint on your to-do list today, we have 5 key exercises for a new healthier and happier workday!

The stair master
Want to avoid small talk in favour of elevating the heart rate? Then ditch the lift and take the stairs! Accelerate on the straight parts and take two at a time every other flight for a real leg burn.

The seat squeeze
To start toning, simply squeeze your buttocks, holding for 5-10 seconds, and release. Repeat until the meeting finishes or your glutes tire. 

The stapler curl
Take the stapler in one hand with the palm facing upwards. Starting at the thighs, bend your elbow and curl your arm up towards your chest like a regular dumbbell bicep curl. Pause briefly and then lower the stapler back down. Continue for 12-15 reps, then switch. Try using a filled water bottle if you don’t have access to a heavy stapler.

The shoulder shrug
Not recommended for board meetings! Simply raise both shoulders up toward the ears, hold for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat for 15 reps.

Desk chair wheel
While seated in a chair with wheels, position yourself at arm’s length from a desk or table and grasp its edge with your hands. Next, raise your feet slightly off the ground, and pull with your arms until the chair slowly rolls forward and your chest touches the desk’s edge. Then roll back by pushing away with your feet still raised. Repeat 20 times.


Rachel Whelan

Rachel Whelan

Natural beauty with a killer smile, always happy to help, impeccable communicator, pays great attention to detail and takes pride in her work, highly motivated team member, loves music and online shopping.