Are You Constantly Oversleeping When You Know You Should Get Up?

With summer officially over and autumn creeping into winter, the weather is beginning to change and become more dreary, cold and unpleasant. But, unfortunately hibernating through winter is not an option.Why not try some of these tips to make getting out of bed and into the office a little easier on these cold, rainy mornings.

Sleep early
In the summer time you might be able to get by with only a few hours of sleep, but in the colder months you’ll convince yourself that you need to catch up on lost sleep by staying in bed just a little longer. If you make sure you get into bet earlier during these months, you will wake feeling less tired.

Wake up warm
The last thing you want to do is get out from under your warm and comfy duvet when it is freezing outside. By setting your central heating to turn on before you actually get up, the idea of waking up seems slightly more inviting, the house will be warmer, and you won’t have as much of an excuse for staying in bed. If you are trying to save money by cutting down on heating costs, try keeping your jumper and socks next to your bed, so you can change into them in bed before you decide to get up.

Shower as soon as you get out of bed 
After your coffee try jumping straight into the shower. It is a perfect way to get your circulation going and warm you up. You can wash of the remnants of your drowsy self and emerge awakened and ready to go.

The smell of coffee is a great way to wake up; if the tantalising scent of freshly brewed coffee can’t drag you out of bed then I don’t know what will. Invest in a coffee maker so you can program it to have your favourite cup of coffee waiting for you as you wake up.

Make sure there is something warm to eat
No, this doesn’t mean you should cook yourself a full English breakfast, but if you stock up on some good winter warming breakfast it might also encourage you to drag yourself out of bed. Try Weetabix with hot milk or porridge with golden syrup. A good healthy breakfast has been proven to give you heaps of energy and set you up for the day.


Rachel Whelan

Rachel Whelan

Natural beauty with a killer smile, always happy to help, impeccable communicator, pays great attention to detail and takes pride in her work, highly motivated team member, loves music and online shopping.