How to Get Motivated

You are not the only one that finds it difficult to get motivated after the weekend or a break from work. We all know the feeling when you`re stuck and not able to make progress. Here are our top tips to help you find your motivation.

Get started
Nothing ruins motivation more than getting up late. Most of the time, people are best motivated shortly after they wake up, and you cannot beat the pleasure of going through the rest of your day knowing that you have achieved something.

Get the right tools
The environment that you work in can have a direct effect on your enthusiasm, for example computers that are too slow can easily kill your motivation. Building motivation is almost as essential as avoiding the traps that can stop it. Therefore it is vital that you provide yourself with the right tools to help you when it comes to work.

Think why?
Concentrating on a dull task doesn’t make it any more appealing. Zooming out and asking yourself why you are bothering in the first place will make it more appealing. If you can’t figure out why, then there’s a good chance you shouldn’t bother with it in the first place!

Make it manageable
The saying goes that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and it’s absolutely true. You will not be able finish responding to fifty e-mails if you can’t bother to respond to the first one. You can easily tell yourself that you’ll answer just to couple of them. Most likely you’ll realize that it’s not as bad as you thought it was, and you’ll continue trudging through your mail box. Fighting such a huge amount of work at one time will only cause procrastination, so split it up so that it becomes more manageable.

Take a break
Most of the people can only work for 45-90 minutes at a time before their concentration starts to wane. You really need to be involved in your work in order to make it further than that. If you try to force yourself through distraction, the quality of your work will suffer and you’ll really struggle to motivate yourself. So take regular breaks — as many as you need (within reason).

You are not the only one
Everyone loses steam sometimes, why not you? You`re not any different, you are just a human being and constant effort with no break or slowdown is just unrealistic. Make a mental note and accept the fact that this is going to happen from time to time and that you will have the plan for dealing with it the next time it happens.

Stay positive
Generally it`s a lot easier to focus on the negative aspects of life than the positive, so perhaps it`s worth to mix it up a little bit. Remind yourself of all that’s good and positive stuff are going on in your life right now, and get back to work. Things could be a lot worse. You know you’re going to feel really good about yourself when you finally achieve what you’ve set out to do. But in the meantime, set a few progressive goals and reward yourself when you reach them with something you’ll really enjoy.



Aleksandra Irzyk

Aleksandra Irzyk

Client focused, believes that customer service is paramount, adaptable, flexible team player, self-motivated professional, energetic and chatty, loves a bit of a good old gossip, movies and travels.