Networking Now

Whilst networking online is swift and convenient, it also has its drawbacks. The connections that we make in person are of a higher calibre. On a psychological level, the social cues that we take from face to face conversations, such an intonation, body language and eye contact, are missing when we meet online. These basic interactions provide reams of social information and help to build relationships, resulting in more successful networking.

When reaching out to network on social media platforms such as twitter, you can never be sure of how receptive your audience is going to be. Annoying ‘interruption’ marketing is dying out: and for good reason. Pushing your business onto an unappreciative audience may only serve to further frustrate your relationship. When you attend an organised networking event, everyone you'll meet is going to be enthusiastic and prepared to talk business, unlike that contact you were tweeting two days previously (and unwittingly, on their day off).

Getting out there as a representative of your company, and doing a great job of it, is going to make an impression that will last longer than any product review or online ad. Businesses benefit greatly from a raise in profile, and networking events can be a fantastic starting point for this. Be selective and discriminate: there's a different between an opportuity and a great opportunity. Those that are wisely handled can, in turn, give rise to further connections. Your new associates are gatekeepers to networks of their own: which you now have access to.

An unexpected benefit of networking is the advice that you will gain from moving in these circles. Often people think of networking simply as a way to open channels for more business to flow in, and don’t stop to appreciate that even in polite, everyday conversation you can be picking up hints and tips from those more experienced than yourself. Keep an ear to the ground and don’t be shy to ask a couple of questions, remembering to balance the give and take.

Last but not least, enjoy the challenge, the adrenaline and the confidence boost that networking is sure to provide!

Rachel Dooley

Rachel Dooley

Highly organized with an eye for a detail, great blogger, analytical thinker and problem solver, born optimist with passion for singing and fitness